Blog Articles

Thanks to early testing and procedures like LEEP, women are far better armed in the fight against cervical cancer. Here’s what you can expect during this quick, in-office procedure.
There are a few aspects of your appearance that can’t be altered if you’re self-conscious about them. A procedure that’s seeing double-digit growth in popularity is labiaplasty, a procedure that reduces the size and asymmetry of the labia.
If you experience frequent, painful urination or have had an abnormal amount of urinary tract infections, learn how to prepare for a cystoscopy procedure to diagnose the problem.
Tubal ligation, or having your tubes tied, is a permanent form of birth control. However, with recent medical advances, if you change your mind, the procedure can be reversed.
Are you living with discomfort from uterine fibroids, like pain and heavy bleeding? Have you been told that a hysterectomy is the only way you’ll find relief? We can help you manage your symptoms and preserve your uterus at the same time.
Are you thinking of “having your tubes tied” to prevent pregnancy? Or did you have tubal ligation, but now you’ve changed your mind about having children? Here’s what you need to know about this birth control procedure.
Are you thinking of “having your tubes tied” to prevent pregnancy? Or did you have tubal ligation, but now you’ve changed your mind about having children? Here’s what you need to know about this birth control procedure.
Excessively heavy menstrual periods can be disruptive and may cause other health problems, such as anemia. If you have heavy periods and you’re looking for a solution, read on to learn about endometrial ablation.
Don’t let urinary incontinence make you self-conscious and embarrassed. It’s a common condition women face — more common than you may think — so talk with your medical provider about the treatments available.
Whether you’ve never liked the appearance of your inner vaginal lips (labia minora) or are distressed by changes associated with childbirth, labiaplasty may be your solution. Learn more about labiaplasty and why it’s become so popular.