How to Prepare for Your Cystoscopy

Do you experience frequent, painful urination? Do you avoid social outings that involve drinks, because urination is a constant struggle? Maybe you’ve experienced frequent urinary tract infections (UTI), and over-the-counter medications don’t work for you.
If so, you may be an ideal candidate for a cystoscopy procedure, which examines your bladder for infections or other abnormalities. The staff at the Tubal Ligation Reversal Center, with three locations in Georgia, can evaluate your symptoms in order to diagnose and treat your urinary or bladder issues.
What a cystoscopy involves
A cystoscopy looks at your bladder and urethra from the inside, using a tube that is inserted in your urinary tract. This is the same pathway that urine travels when it comes out of your body. Using a device called a cystoscope (hence the procedure’s name), this tube has both a camera and a light attached, so the doctor can clearly see the inside of your bladder.
Who can benefit from a cystoscopy
Many conditions can affect the function of your bladder. Cystoscopy procedures are recommended for people who constantly need to urinate, experience painful urination or pain in the pelvic area, have frequent bladder infections, or notice any blood in the urine.
A cystoscopy can help the doctor accurately diagnose whatever is affecting your ability to urinate normally.
How to prepare for a cystoscopy
Rule number one of preparing for a cystoscopy: Drink up! You’ll likely be asked to provide a urine sample, so make sure you come prepared to fill the cup. If you were prescribed medication for a UTI or some other infection, make sure you have been taking them faithfully before going to the procedure.
You will lie on your back with your feet in stirrups, as if you are getting a Pap smear. You may receive anesthesia or a sedative to ensure comfort during the procedure, which may last anywhere from 5-30 minutes.
After the doctor is finished, you should plan on resting for the remainder of the day, avoiding exercise, lifting, and sex until the probed tissues fully heal. You will be provided with a list of instructions to ensure a fast recovery.
Schedule an appointment for a cystoscopy
If you’re concerned about abnormal bladder activity, you can reach the staff at Tubal Ligation Reversal Center at any of the following locations:
You can also schedule an appointment online. We look forward to hearing from you.